diary on % show p_cells fire p_cell(.01,50,80,1,0); % show fs cells fire fs_cell(.01,50,80,.9,0) % example of ex. synapse into comp 2 p_cell_syn(.01,5,80,.007,0,0,2); % ex inh. synapse in comp 1 p_cell_syn(.01,5,80,.007,0,-90,1); % makes random pattern to train with p = pattern_maker(40,8,8); %helps visualise different patterns spy(p) % find the active cells in first pattern find(p(1,:)>0) ans = 8 15 23 25 26 30 34 37 % run network, stimulate 3 cells in first pattern for 50ms , 300ms total [vex,vin] = LF_network(.01,50,300,1,[8 15 23],p); %see results look at fig file to view, see how all 8 units turn on but then there is too much %excitation in network, also inhibitory cells stop firing after a while, causing problems viewer(vex,vin) %view single cell, see fig file problem_shown.fig, notice how inhibitory cells have problem viewer(vex,vin,16)