/* iaf2net.c This is a rough c translation of iaf2net.m to compile on the CAAM server type gcc iaf2net.c -o iaf2netexe -lm from the Unix prompt. To execute type iaf2netexe this will write the solution to iaf2netout you may read and view this in matlab by typing >> raster once you have copied raster.m to your directory */ #include #include /* #include */ double step(double); main() { int i,j,k; double fire; double EL, Vreset, taum, rm, A, Rm, Ie, EK, tausra, ginc, T, Vth, dt, s, st, t, Eex, Einh, x, newg, rhs; double v[100], /* the right hand side */ gsra[100], /* the solution */ S[100], tim[100], gsyn[100], gsynE[100], I[100]; double WE[100][100]; /* the weight.*Esyn matrix */ double W[7][7] = { {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0} }; FILE *fp; fp = fopen("iaf2netout","w"); EL = -65; Vreset = -65; taum = 10; rm = 1; A = .1; Rm = rm/A; Ie = 10; EK = -70; tausra = 10; ginc = 50*0.06/rm; T = 200; Vth = -50; dt = 0.04; s = taum/dt; st = tausra/dt; Eex = 0; Einh = -70; for (i=0;i<=6;i=i+1){ S[i] = 0; tim[i] = -100; gsra[i] = 0; I[i] = 0; v[i] = EL; for (j=0;j<=6;j=j+1){ W[i][j] = 0; WE[i][j] = 0; } } /* W(3:5,1:2) = 1; Esyn(3:5,1:2) = Eex; */ W[2][0] = 10; W[2][1] = 10; WE[2][0] = Eex*W[2][0]; WE[2][1] = Eex*W[2][1]; W[3][0] = 10; W[3][1] = 10; WE[3][0] = Eex*W[3][0]; WE[3][1] = Eex*W[2][1]; W[4][0] = 10; W[4][1] = 10; WE[4][0] = Eex*W[4][0]; WE[4][1] = Eex*W[2][1]; /* W(6:7,3:5) = 1; Esyn(6:7,3:4) = Eex; */ W[5][2] = 20; W[5][3] = 20; WE[5][2] = Eex*W[5][2]; WE[5][3] = Eex*W[5][3]; W[6][2] = 20; W[6][3] = 20; WE[6][2] = Eex*W[6][2]; WE[6][3] = Eex*W[6][3]; /* W(6:7,5) = 0.1; Esyn(6:7,5) = Einh; */ W[5][4] = 1; WE[5][4] = Einh*W[5][4]; W[6][4] = 1; WE[6][4] = Einh*W[6][4]; t = 0; j = 0; x = st/(1+st); while ( j*dt < T ){ j = j + 1; t = (j-1)*dt; I[0] = 0; I[1] = 0; if (t > 1) { I[0] = Ie; I[1] = Ie; } /* form gsyn = rm*W*S and gsynE = rm*WE*S */ for (i=0;i<=6;i=i+1){ gsyn[i] = 0; gsynE[i] = 0; for (k=0;k<=6;k=k+1){ gsyn[i] = gsyn[i] + rm*W[i][k]*S[k]; gsynE[i] = gsynE[i] + rm*WE[i][k]*S[k]; } } for (i=0;i<=6;i=i+1){ newg = x*gsra[i]; rhs = (s*v[i]+EL+Rm*I[i]+rm*newg*EK+gsynE[i])/(s+1+rm*newg+gsyn[i]); fire = step(rhs-Vth); v[i] = fire*Vreset + (1-fire)*rhs; gsra[i] = fire*(gsra[i] + ginc) + (1-fire)*newg; tim[i] = fire*t + (1-fire)*tim[i]; S[i] = (t-tim[i])*exp(3*(tim[i]-t)); fprintf(fp, "%f\n", fire); /* fprintf(fp,"%lf %lf %lf\n",v[i], gsra[i], S[i]); */ } } /* end while */ fclose(fp); } /* end main */ double step(double sarg) { double si; si = (sarg/fabs(sarg)+1)/2; return si; }