Analysis of the Lagrange-SQP-Newton Method for the Control of a Phase Field Equation

M. Heinkenschloss
Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Rice University

F. Tröltzsch
Department Mathematics
Technical University of Chemnitz

Control and Cybernetics, Vol.28, 1999, No.2, pp.177-211.


This paper investigates the local convergence of the Lagrange-SQP-Newton method applied to an optimal control problem governed by a phase field equation with distributed control. The phase field equation is a system of two semilinear parabolic differential equations. Stability analysis of optimization problems and regularity results for parabolic differential equations are used to proof convergence of the controls with respect to the L-2 norm and with respect to the L-infinity norm.


Sequential quadratic programming method, Lagrange-SQP-Newton method, optimal control, phase field equation, control constraints.

AMS subject classifications

49M37, 49K20

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