CAAM 520 · Computational Science II

Spring 2019 · Rice University


Notes, Codes, and Supplementary Material

Lecture 33 (4/17): OCCA lab: install OCCA on both Ubuntu and NOTS.
OCCA 2-step installation instructions

Installation on NOTS:
  • get a GPU using the interactive shell (--reservation=CAAM520_2)
  • Run "module load CUDA"
  • Follow the installation procedure here
  • Add "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/home/your_username/occa/lib"" to your "~/.bashrc" file. This will ensure OCCA remains in your path when you log back in
  • "cd examples/cpp/1_add_vectors/", type "make -j", and run ./main to est.

Installation on Ubuntu:
  • Follow the installation procedure here
  • Add "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/home/your_username/occa/lib"" to your "~/.bashrc" file. This will ensure OCCA remains in your path when you log back in
  • "cd examples/cpp/1_add_vectors/", type "make -j", and run ./main to est.
  • You may observe that the examples run, but return a segmentation fault. This is likely due to a documented issue with Intel's OpenCL installation + the OpenCL command clReleaseProgram (which is run during clean-up by OCCA) example showing the use of inner/outer loops, shared and exclusive memory in OCCA

. Once you've verified the installation, you may work on the EC portion of HW 5 involving implementations of Jacobi + reduction in OCCA.

Lecture 32 (4/15): Structure and syntax of OCCA.
Implicit "outer" and "inner" for loops
Implicit synchronization between loops
New memory space: exclusive variables are thread-local but persist between loops.

Lecture 31 (4/12): Finishing up OpenCL, introduction to OCCA.
Differences between OCCA and OpenCL: translation into native languages for OCCA
OCCA website

Lecture 30 (4/10): OpenCL lab.
Goal: install OpenCL on your Ubuntu VirtualBox installation, test with an OpenCL implementation of

Main steps (based off of this askUbuntu answer):
- Download the OpenCL SDK for Intel CPUs (if you have another type of CPU, you may need a different SDK).
- Install OpenCL libraries and tools using
  • sudo apt install ocl-icd-libopencl1
  • sudo apt install opencl-headers
  • sudo apt install clinfo
  • sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev
- Install package to convert .rpm to .dev files:
  • sudo apt-get install -y rpm alien libnuma1
- Untar downloaded OpenCL SDK files
  • tar -xvf opencl_runtime_16.1.1_x64_ubuntu_6.4.0.25.tgz
- Turn rpm files to deb
  • cd opencl_runtime_16.1.1_x64_ubuntu_6.4.0.25/rpm/
  • fakeroot alien --to-deb opencl-1.2-base-
  • fakeroot alien --to-deb opencl-1.2-intel-cpu-
- Install .deb packages
  • sudo dpkg -i opencl-1.2-base_6.4.0.25-2_amd64.deb
  • sudo dpkg -i opencl-1.2-intel-cpu_6.4.0.25-2_amd64.deb
- Create local config file
  • sudo touch /etc/
- Open the file and add OpenCL config info
  • sudo emacs -nw /etc/
  • Type "/opt/intel/opencl-1.2-" in the file and close
- Create a "vendors" dir and create an icd link
  • sudo mkdir -p /etc/OpenCL/vendors
  • sudo ln /opt/intel/opencl-1.2- /etc/OpenCL/vendors/intel64.icd
  • sudo ldconfig
- Test the installation:
  • Build "cldevices.cpp" using "g++ cldevices.cpp -o cldevices -lOpenCL"
  • Run "./cldevices" to view available devices (should just be a CPU)
End goal of the lab: convert the optimized CUDA kernel to working OpenCL code. Test the code on Ubuntu (VirtualBox), and if possible, on NOTS.

Lecture 29 (4/8): Converting CUDA to OpenCL, timing OpenCL code
clmxm_timing.cpp: OpenCL matrix-matrix multiplication code with OpenCL event timing. kernel file for above example. Converting between CUDA and OpenCL: a non-comprehensive list of changes
  • "__global__" keyword for kernels becomes "__kernel"
  • Add "__global" to pointer arguments to global (DRAM) memory
  • "__shared__" keyword for shared memory becomes "__local"
  • "__syncthreads()" becomes "barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE)"
To build and run OpenCL code on NOTS, use "g++ -I$EBROOTCUDA/include clmxm_timing.cpp -lOpenCL". This will use NVIDIA's OpenCL implementation

Lecture 28 (4/5): More on OpenCL Wrappers to simplify OpenCL host code (setup and kernel build functions)
cldevices.cpp: code to determine OpenCL devices available
cldemo.cpp: (un-simplified) code demonstrating building and running of an OpenCL kernel kernel for above code.
cltranspose.cpp: simplified code demonstrating building and running of an OpenCL transpose kernel kernel for above code.
Lecture 27 (3/29): Introduction to OpenCL (Chapter 2 of OpenCL book)
OpenCL book pdf.

Steps to an OpenCL program:

⁃choose platform and device (clGet*Info, clGetPlatformIDs, clGetDeviceIDs)
-combine platform and device to create compute environment (clCreateContext)
-create “stream” (clCreateCommandQueue).
- Options for sequential or out-of-order scheduling (CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE / CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE).

Build program
-create program object from one or more kernel sources (clCreateProgramWithSource)
-program object gets built into executables (clBuildProgram).
-build executable kernel from program (clCreateKernel)

Allocate memory
-allocate memory (clCreateBuffer). Specify type of memory
-CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR = memcpy from specified host array
-CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR = specify host pointer. In some implementations, uses pinned memory.
-CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR = pinned memory (host-accessible)

Queue kernels, set arguments
-set kernel arguments (clSetKernelArg)
-queue kernel to run (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel).
-get result back (clEnqueueReadBuffer)
-not used in demo: write buffer (clEnqueueWriteBuffer)

Synchronize and clean up
-clFlush - blocks until commands in queue have executed (not completed!)
-clFinish - blocks until commands in queue have finished
-Context creates queue, program, memory buffers. Program creates kernels. Kernels + memory feed into queue.

Lecture 26 (3/27): CPU/GPU data transfers example of faster transfers using pinned memory and cudaMallocHost
Can overlap CPU computation with CUDA kernels trivially
Multiple CUDA streams + pinned memory allow overlap of GPU compute/memory transfer example from the CUDA samples on overlapping GPU computation with data transfer using 4 CUDA streams.

Lecture 25 (3/25): Optimizing matrix multiplication with shared memory
Matrix multiplication with shared memory tiling. code with three versions of matrix transposition.
Discussion of full CUBLAS strategy for optimizing matrix-matrix multiplication

Lecture 24 (3/22): Optimizing matrix transposes with shared memory
Bank conflicts for 32-by-32 arrays code with three versions of matrix transposition (global memory, shared memory, shared memory with bank conflict treatment)

Lecture 23 (3/20): Even more on profiling GPU kernels for efficiency
Roofline model: compute bound vs memory bound kernels
Peak vs realistic performance
Comparison of matrix-matrix multiplication with CUBLAS example code for CUBLAS (compilation instructions in header) optimizing code for adding two vectors by increasing work per thread.
roofline.m: Matlab code for computing roofline plots.

Lecture 22 (3/18): More on profiling GPU kernels for efficiency
Roofline model: compute bound vs memory bound kernels
Peak vs realistic performance

Lecture 21 (3/8): Profiling GPU kernels for efficiency
GPU occupancy: online occupancy calculator
nvprof (Nvidia profiler) for computing timings, number of floating point operations, bandwidth.

Lecture 20 (3/6): Optimizing a reduction kernel
Concepts: warp divergence, shared memory bank conflicts.
Example optimized reduction code:
Reduction code based off of Mark Harris' optimized reduction kernel talk.

Lecture 19 (3/4): More on shared memory
Matvec example code:
Stencil example code:

Lecture 18 (2/21): Introduction to shared memory
Lecture 17 (2/19): More on GPU computing
Matrix-matrix multiplication:
Global GPU memory and coalesced memory access
Introduction to nvprof (Nvidia profiler) for timing
Kirk and Hwu Chapter 3.

Lecture 16 (2/18): Introduction to GPU computing
Host/device setup
Nvidia, AMD GPUs: CUDA vs OpenCL CUDA code to add two vectors. Compile using "nvcc -o add", run as usual ("./add").
To run on NOTS in interactive mode: "srun --pty --partition=commons --gres=gpu:1 --time=1:00:00 $SHELL" will request a single GPU for 1 hour.
Lecture 15 (2/18): Divide and conquer using OpenMP tasks
Recursive blocked matrix-matrix multiplication code
Lecture 14 (2/15): More advanced OpenMP: task-based parallelism
OpenMP tutorial with several examples
An extensive list of more OpenMP resources

Lecture 13 (2/13): Code optimization
matmat_omp.c: inefficient matrix-matrix multiplication code
. dot_omp.c: optimized matrix-matrix multiplication code
Cache memory, data layouts, compiler optimization flags
Assorted OpenMP options: nested parallelism, loop collapsing (e.g. collapse(2)), conditional statements in OMP pragmas.

Lecture 12 (2/11): Introduction to shared memory parallelism and OpenMP
helloworld_omp.c: hello world using OpenMP
dot_omp.c: computing a dot product
Enabling OpenMP: "gcc -fopenmp ..."
Pragmas, parallel for loops, shared and private variables, race conditions.

Lecture 11 (2/6): Domain decomposition using graph partitioning
Link to METIS by the Karypis lab.
Installation instructions: install Cmake (sudo apt-get install cmake), cd into metis-5.1.0/, type "make config" and "make".
metisDriver.c: example code using Metis to partition a structured grid.
Other methods for load-balancing and domain decomposition: space-filling curves (see Figures 1,2 for illustrations)

Lecture 10 (2/4): Debugging MPI
Debug option 1: launch multiple gdb processes using "mpiexec -n 2 xterm -e gdb ./a.out"
Debug option 2: automatically attach gdb (see debug_mpi.c, run using "mpiexec -n 2 ./a.out")
Open-MPI FAQ for debugging MPI.
Lecture 9 (1/31): MPI_Probe, MPI_Getcount, timing
probe.c: demo of MPI_Probe, MPI_Getcount
matvec2.c for timing and matvec_timing.slurm for running on NOTS (must compile matvec2.c first).
Lecture 8 (1/25): Parallel even-odd sort
Even-odd sort code based on Pachecho 3.7.2: parsort.c.

Lecture 7 (1/23): Lab on matrix-vector products, NOTS
Description of the lab.
Matrix-vector product code matvec.c using row-based storage.

Lecture 6 (1/18): More on collective communication in MPI
Butterfly communication: MPI_Allreduce, MPI_Allgather, MPI_Alltoall
all_collectives.c: demo of above routines.
Parallel matrix-vector products
Using NOTS

Lecture 5 (1/16): Collective communication in MPI
MPI_Reduce, MPI_Bcast, MPI_Barrier, MPI_Gather, MPI_Scatter
collectives.c: demo of above routines.
Butterfly communication: MPI_Allreduce, MPI_Allgather, MPI_Alltoall

Lecture 4 (1/14): Hw 1, reductions in MPI.
MPI_REDUCE reduce.c: computes a reduction using tree parallelism and compares the result to MPI_REDUCE.

Lecture 3 (1/11): Interactive lab.
Set up VirtualBox (
- Set up Ubuntu 16.04 on VirtualBox (64 bit at, 32 bit at
- Information for running 64 bit on a 32 bit machine from Seth Brown (optional): Link
- I recommend setting up VM with at least half system memory for performance.
- Install emacs: sudo apt install emacs (or VIM).
- Install MPICH2: sudo apt-get install mpich (should be MPICH2)
- Install Git: sudo apt-get install git

Set up Github repository at
- Create git repo on Github
- Check out Git repo in VirtualBox (cd ~, git clone*github_id*/*repo_address*)
- Edit your README file to add your name, then commit (git add, git commit -m “committing update to README file”, git push)
- Try running MPI demo programs. Given time, write "ping-pong" example.
- add "jlchan" and "cthl" as Collaborators to your Github repository.

Lab: construct a "ping-pong" MPI program with 2 ranks which sends a ping_pong variable between each rank, incrementing it until ping_pong is larger than 10.

Lecture 2 (1/9): More message passing with MPI.
MPI_Send/Recv behavior, MPI_Sendrecv
Issues with message passing (deadlock)
Nonblocking MPI communication: MPI_Isend, MPI_Irecv, MPI_Wait
Pacheco 3.3
Lecture 1 (1/7): Introduction to MPI (Chapter 3 in Pacheco)
Simple MPI programs, myhelloworld.c
Initializing an MPI program, MPI_Send, MPI_Recv.
Piazza forum signup.
Pacheco 3.1