B. M. Riviere

My research group has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Oil and Gas Industry and the State of Texas.

Non-Industrial Research Grants

    At Rice University:
  1. NSF-DMS 1312391: "Collaborative Research: Mathematical Modeling of Biological Processes in Edematous Tissue", PI, 2013-2016, $209,105.
  2. NSF-DMS 1318348: "High Order in Time and Space Numerical Methods for Solving the Miscible Displacement Problem", PI, 2013-2016, $229,830.
  3. Texas Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program Grant 003604-0015-2009: "Numerical Simulation of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Geologic Reservoirs", PI, 2010-2012, $149,000.
  4. NSF-DMS 0810422: "High order numerical methods for multiphysics couplings", PI, 2008-2012, $341,912.
    At the University of Pittsburgh:
  1. NSF-DMS 0739261: "EMSW21-RTG: Complex Biological Systems Across Multiple Space and Time Scales", $1,863,866; 2008-2012; original PI, coPIs are Ermentrout, Swigon, Yotov, new PI is Rubin.
  2. NSF-DMS 0506039: "Coupling Complex Flow and Transport Phenomena", PI, 2005-2008, $150,000.
  3. NIH 2P50 GM053789-09: "Trauma Center Grant, Project V", co-PI, 2004-2007, total cost $131,224.
  4. Central Research Development Fund (U. Pittsburgh), PI, 2003-2005, $11,363.

Industrial Research Grants

    My industrial projects total an amount of about $1.7M.

Travel Grants

  1. " NSF-AWM Mentoring Travel Grant". 2004.
  2. " AWM Travel Grant". 2002.
  3. " AWM Workshop at the SIAM Annual, 2001".
  4. " Travel Funds". CAM GSSC. 1999.

Awards and Fellowships

  1. 8th IMACS most successful papers award, 2009.
  2. 4th IMACS most successful papers award, 2007.
  3. "Tuition Fellowship". The University of Texas at Austin. 1999.
  4. "Continuing University Fellowship". The University of Texas at Austin. 1998
  5. "CAM Summer Fellowship". Computational and Applied Mathematics Program. 1998
  6. "CAM Spring Fellowship". Computational and Applied Mathematics Program. 1998
  7. "Summer Tuition Fellowship". Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin. 1997
  8. "CAM Summer Fellowship". Computational and Applied Mathematics Program. 1997
  9. "Bourse Jean Zellidja". Academie Francaise. 1994
  10. "Bourse de la Region Rhone-Alpes". 1994
  11. "Bourse pour la Vocation Feminine Ingenieur". 1989-1992