B. Riviere


    Meeting time and place:T 4pm-4:59pm, DCH 1042 for Fall

    Course Objectives
    CAAM 495-496 students learn the engineering design process by developing a mathematical model for an open-ended problem deriving from an application, then rationally selecting a method for implementing the model.
    This course puts an applied problem front-and-center, and spends the entire year pursuing a solution. Students draw on the breadth of their education to find the proper tools – learning new techniques as the challenge demands. Such problems are not clean and are not simple; there is no answer in the back of some book. Yet students are not alone in this process: they must work in teams; interdisciplinary collaboration is encouraged. Local mathematical experts can provide invaluable insight to move a problem forward, just as advisors from the motivating application ensure that the team is answering a relevant question.
    This is a design course: We shall organize our work around the engineering design process, a procedure for identifying project needs, brainstorming solutions, rationally selecting best strategies among those solutions, and developing viable prototypes (often implemented in computer codes). This should be a rich experience that draws together many aspects of your undergraduate education: but much depends on the effort you devote to the cause!
    Course Outcomes
    Upon completing this course, students should be able to:
    1. Express an application problem in mathematical form
    2. Assess the challenge of implementing that model
    3. Conduct a comprehensive literature review
    4. Brainstorm solution approaches and rationally select among them
    5. Develop teamwork and project management skills
    2 credits for Fall and 2 credits for Spring..
    Students will be evaluated on their active participation in their projects. Each semester, teams have to present their project using technical slides, and submit a written report that follows a specific rubric. In addition, each team has to register for the Engineering Design Showcase and Poster Session. At the end of Spring, teams will give an oral presentation to the whole CAAM department.
    Class web site
    Students are responsible for viewing the class web site regularly as material will be added to the site throughout the semester.
    Absence policy
    Students are expected to attend lectures and team meetings, and to actively participate in their groups.
    Any student with a documented disability requiring accommodations in this course is encouraged to contact me after class or during office hours. Additionally, students also need to contact Disability Support Services in the Ley Student Center.