Paul E. Hand - Publications



A. Aghasi, A. Ahmed, P. Hand. BranchHull: convex bilinear recovery from the entrywise product of vectors with known signs, 2017. (pdf)

P. Hand, B. Joshi. A Convex Program for Mixed Linear Regression with a Recovery Guarantee for Well-Separated Data, 2016. (pdf)

P. Hand, V. Voroninski. Corruption Robust Phase Retrieval via Linear Programming, 2016 (pdf)

P. Hand, V. Voroninski. Compressed Sensing from Phaseless Gaussian Measurements via Linear Programming in the Natural Parameter Space, 2016. (pdf)

P. Hand, V. Voroninski. An Elementary Proof of Convex Phase Retrieval in the Natural Parameter Space via the Linear Program PhaseMax. 2016 (pdf)

T. Goldstein, P. Hand, C. Lee, S. Soatto, V. Voroninski. Robust, Scalable Structure from Motion with ShapeFit and ShapeKick. To appear in Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016. (pdf)

P. Hand, C. Lee, and V. Voroninski. Exact simultaneous recovery of locations and structure from known orientations and corrupted point correspondences. To appear in Discrete and Computational Geometry. (pdf)

P. Hand, C. Lee, and V. Voroninski. ShapeFit: Exact location recovery from corrupted pairwise directions. To appear in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. (pdf) (code)

P. Hand. PhaseLift is robust to a constant fraction of arbitrary errors, 2015. (pdf)

L. Demanet, P. Hand. Scaling law for recovering the sparsest element in a subspace. Information and Inference, 3: 295-309, 2014. (pdf)

P. Hand. Conditions for existence of dual certificates in rank-one semidefinite problems. Commun. Math. Sci, 12(7):1363-1378, 2014.(pdf)

L. Demanet, P. Hand. Stable optimizationless recovery from phaseless linear measurements. J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 20(1):199-221, 2014. (pdf) (code)

P.E. Hand, B.E. Griffith. Empirical study of an adaptive multiscale model for simulating cardiac conduction. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 73(12):3071-3089, 2011. (pdf)

P.E. Hand, B.E. Griffith. Adaptive multiscale model for simulating cardiac conduction. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 107:14603-14608, 2010. (pdf)

P.E. Hand, C.S. Peskin. Homogenization of an Electrophysiological Model for a Strand of Cardiac Myocytes with Gap Junctional and Electric-Field Coupling. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 72: 1408-1424, 2010. (pdf)

P.E. Hand, B.E. Griffith, C.S. Peskin. Deriving Macroscopic Myocardial Conductivities by Homogenization of Microscopic Models. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 71: 1707-1726, 2009. (pdf)

Conference Proceedings

P. Hand. Conditions for Dual Certificate Existence in Semidefinite Rank-1 Matrix Recovery. Proc. 10th Intl. Conf. Sampling Theory Applications, 2013. (pdf)

Ph.D. Thesis

P.E. Hand. Homogenization in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Blow-up in Bacterial Chemotaxis. Ph.D. Thesis. Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 2009. (pdf)